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Blades image

This latest generation of blades has structures comprised entirely of epoxy pre-impregnated carbon-fiber fabrics:

  • Significant weight reduction resulting in lower stresses due to centrifugal forces and engine torques
  • High strength and optimized stiffness

Maximum consistency and reliability throughout the manufacturing process:

  • All fabrics are precisely cut by numeric control cutting machine
  • Highly consistent resin/fabric weight ratio
  • Precisely documented quality control checking of lamination schedules

Curing and heat treatment of the blades performed directly in the moulds, with computerized temperature control and quality recording. All of our blades are designed with 3D CAD software.

The hydraulic controls are the most advanced, lightweight, and reliable units currently available.

Extensive testing and strength verification is performed via both static tensile and bending load tests while dynamic load tests are performed on a propeller test machine.

IDROVARIO Blades descriptions

HS Blade Image
Available in right version, these blades are perfect for high speed fliers.
ST Blade Image
Available in right and left-hand versions. These blades have demonstrated remarkable performances, in both the two for (80 hp) and three-blades (100 – 120 hp) applications.
BAY Blade Image
Available in right-hand version. Suitable for high performance aircrafts with reduced ground clearance.